
Lutcher Quarterback Club

Since 1948

About Us

The 2021 Lutcher Quarterback Club proudly enters its 73rd year of supporting Bulldog athletics.  

What started out as a simple gathering of friends to talk about football has now grown to become one of the premier high school booster clubs in the state, if not the country. It all began when Coach Norman Buckner made his return to coaching at Lutcher after completing his duty in World War II. A group of friends headed by Saul “Payee” Kliebert and including Amedee Richard, Dr. A.J. Nobile, Fr. Robert Moran, Gerald Viator, Joe Sullivan, Scutter Schaubhut, Pitt Gaudin, Lloyd Alexander, H.C. Alexander, Sr., G.C. Boucvalt, Martin Cunningham, Joe Chenier, A.G. Gearheard, Eddie Bleakley, J.P. Veron, Sr., Joe Amato, Chink Bourgeois, J.H. McMillion, Ben Loupe, Joe Lamendola, Sr., Fred Arras, Roland Roussel, Gaston Brignac, Carl Bertrand, Claude Boudreaux, Sr., David Reynaud, Louis Tircuit, Bob Pertuis, Dorrell Poche, Hubert Cazentre, Sr., Joe Pollet, E.L. Roussel, J.F. Guglielmo, and others, (our apologies if we left anyone out, we are going by some fading memories) who had been gathering to discuss Lutcher Football, invited Coach Buckner to a supper to get firsthand information. These first organized meetings started around the 1948 season and were held in the southeast portion of the gym, where there were about 8 burners available for cooking. It was also about this time that David Reynaud, an avid LSU supporter, Carl Bertrand, E.L. Roussel, J.F. Guglielmo, and Norman Buckner joined the “Bengal Backers” to hear Gaynell Tinsley speak about LSU football. They brought back the idea of the “Bengal Backers” and incorporated it into their gatherings, whereby you paid for membership dues and your meal. The first dues were $15.00 for the year, but this included your meals for the entire season, and if necessary, payment could be made in two, $7.50 installments. The objective of the club was to help raise money to buy the film to record the game, which would be used as a teaching tool to help improve the team. They also wanted to get some publicity for the Lutcher players, caught in the fringe areas of the two major newspapers, so they invited the sports writers for those papers.
From that meager beginning we have evolved into a club that in some years has topped 200 in memberships. This could not have happened without good leadership. You would probably have to say that “Payee” Kliebert was the first Chief Quarterback before the club started official elections. The first elected Chief Quarterback was Louis Brady, Jr. Following him were David Reynaud, Russell Richard, J.E. Brignac, Louis Brady again, L.J. St. Pierre, Floyd “Gizmo” Alleman, Kenneth “Wop” Foret, Jared “Butsy” Martin, Wayne Bourgeois, Jared Amato, “Butsy” Martin again, Milton “Bud” Lambert, “Butsy” again, Mark “Bird” Lambert, Jared Amato again, Nathan Poche, "Lucy" Foret, Nathan Poche, and our new Chief, Jess Poche. We would like to thank all of our members for your support and urge all inactive members to become active. We also extend an invitation to those who are not members to come to a meeting and join our group of supporters.


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